Here's the changelog since the last version of Crypt Run. These updates will soon go out to the currently 78 alpha gamers who either backed the Kickstarter for at least $25 or purchased the weekly alpha bundle:
- 152 Shake ice just before it cracks apart
- 151 Fix spawner and Ice guts
- 150 Move GutsEmitter to utils/Room; clean up Room.entityContainer on reset
- 149 stick slimes into sewer
- 148 Expire existing states when an entity dies
- 147 Teach running in tutorial
- 146 Add support for additional R button for running
- 145 Clean up ProgressScene
- 144 Get sewer and crypt into the flow
- 143 fix: Edges show up between dungeon/progress scenes
- 142 fix lich -- was checking target twice, range was too short
- 141 fix ice view double
- 140 Tweak lich behavior so he only shoots at you if you're within range
- 139 imageOptim
- 138 Don't play pain sound and death sounds simultaneously
- 137 Fix RotD visuals
- 136 Running
- 135 kickstarter -> preorder
- 134 Hide UserInfo for now
- 133 Hall of Trials -> The Arena
- 132 skeletonKing room has zombieDarkSpawners which despawn when skeletonKing dies
- 131 Pause Room.entityContainer during freezeFrame
- 130 Deferred collectors can't collect weapons or collectibles with a cost > 0
- 129 merge dark monsters, darkness tweaks
- 128 Guard against invalid itemIds in place.shopItem
- 127 User auth basics + display
- 126 ice sounds
- 125 zombie sfx
- 124 Optimize room->room transitions
- 123 Fix invisible goldChest
- 122 Increase difficulty of dark monsters and rooms
- 121 new ogg music
- 120 nerf mimic health
- 119 Shopkeeper behavior update phase 1
- 118 Geoff's forest env lol
- 117 Add flickering to light sources
- 116 Give dropped items a grace period so they can't be collected right away
- 115 Refactor chests and shops to use new loot tables
- 114 chargeable and charger components, transformers require full charge before triggering
- 105 Allow pawns to set their death particles
- 113 Adjust RotD monster weights
- 112 werewolfDark
- 111 zombieDarkSpawner
- 110 zombieDark
- 109 owlDark
- 108 Disable ghost and skeleton for now, fix tutorial
- 107 darkPortal -> batDarkSpawner
- 106 Placeholder batDark and batDarkSpawner
- 105 Player can interact with entities
- 104 GamepadStatus UI in TitleScene
- 103 Default challenge URL to for file: protocol
- 102 Prep for alpha build
- 101 Despawn skeletonKing spikeBall when dying
- 100 Normalize keyboard/d-pad movement
- 99 More skeletonKing behavior; draw chain to spikeBall
- shiiiii-
- 98 Fix bats deprecated flocking flag
- 97 Entities with step behavior should not have flocking
- 97 treasure chalice -> treasure bar
- 96 skeletonKing and lichLord tweaks
You'll be getting weekly builds of Crypt Run for Windows, Mac, and Linux in your inbox if you preorder Crypt Run for at least $25. Thanks for your support!
Follow author @richtaur